Climbers often talk about asymmetry when comparing climbing shoes, but what does it mean exactly? Ultimately climbing shoe brands use this word to help climbers understand the overall shape of the shoe to make it easier to know what kind of climbing style the shoe will excel at. It can also help set expectations about how comfortable a climbing shoe will be.
Below we’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of more or less asymmetry and what it means for the overall performance and comfort of a climbing shoe.
Foot Symmetry (or Asymmetry)
The symmetry of a shoe refers to the overall ‘turn inward’ of the toebox from the heel to the big toe. Essentially, the further away from the centerline of the show the toes are, the more asymmetric a shoe is. Asymmetry is intended to over exaggerate the natural curve of the foot to orient the toes into a more powerful muscular position.

All shoes have some amount of asymmetry, this is because human feet generally aren’t symmetrical. A shoe with low to moderate asymmetry closely approximates our foot shape, making for a more comfortable fit for standing naturally. On the other end of the spectrum, a shoe with high asymmetry is less comfortable to stand in, but transmits more power from the muscles of our feet toward our toes.
High Asymmetry and Power
To achieve this power, shoes with higher asymmetry are tensioned greater around the toes (across the side, front, or top of the toebox) to focus all of the muscles of your forefoot to your biggest toe. Sort of like taking all your toes and turning them into a single super-toe. Having all of your muscles focused into a tiny place allows for extremely technical footwork, standing on tiny holds, and controlling balance with larger muscle groups like your calves, thighs, and glutes. Shoes with less asymmetry generally allow more power to spread to the rest of the toes for wider stances, and a stiffer and usually less sensitive but more supportive midsole is used to spread weight more evenly.
When a shoe curves ‘inward’ towards the big toe, it pulls our toes together and concentrates muscle tension at the tip of the toe box. This is particularly helpful for standing on your toes on small holds and features like crystals and edges, or ‘toeing in’ to pockets in steep terrain.
This all adds up to a shoe that is designed to drive the power and weight of your body onto your big toe, making an asymmetric shoe ideal for any type of climbing where you need to focus raw power down to a small, specific place: toeing tiny crimps, edges, or pockets, or even when climbing very thin cracks that require intense lieback technique instead of jamming.
Higher Asymmetry Shoe Examples
Shoes with high asymmetry are typically built for performance over comfort. Having your toes forcibly angled inward for longer than a couple tries on a boulder or a single pitch of climbing is typically going to result in some amount of discomfort, especially when you put the full weight of your body onto such a small area. This is not the type of shoe that is built for you to stand around in.
Highly Asymmetric Shoes are Good for:
- Steep climbing
- Standing on your toes on small edges
- Toeing pockets
- Lying back on thin cracks
Low Asymmetry and Comfort
As mentioned above, more symmetrical shoes are closer approximations to the natural shape of the average human foot. When we stand barefoot, our big toes and little toes are on average the same distance from the centerline of our foot, providing the balance to stand. When a shoe is more symmetrical like this, the randing around the toe box has less tension across the toes, allowing for a feel that is closer to a snug sneaker.
A well-fit symmetrical shoe should still be close-fitting to perform well in climbing. The difference is that the tension of the shoe is less focused at the big toe, allowing for more even pressure to be applied by all the toes. Because the toe tension is more spread out, shoes with more symmetry are great for large features, volumes and slabs, or jamming cracks; all situations that utilize balanced support from all of the toes at once.
This also makes them ideal for longer multi pitch climbs where standing and belaying from ledges for long periods is common. Low asymmetry shoes are often described as a good ‘trad shoe’ because traditional climbing often involves foot jamming cracks and longer days with multiple pitches of climbing.
Low Asymmetric Shoes are Good for:
- Slab climbing
- Standing on your whole foot on large features
- Jamming your feet in cracks
- Standing around for long periods in the gym or on ledges
Lower Asymmetry Shoe Examples
Bottom Line on Asymmetry
Higher asymmetry is when power is directed to the big toe in particular. Unfortunately this comes at a cost of being significantly less comfortable. These are high-end specialty shoes for steep and overhanging climbing.
Medium asymmetry is a balance of comfort and distributed power. Usually called all-around shoes – they can manage most climbing styles and grades adequately.
Lower asymmetry is more comfort focused as power is distributed throughout the foot. Historically called beginner shoes, as it’s helpful to have the entire foot supported as you build the unique climbing foot muscles. These shoes are specialty shoes in their own right and are used to climb the hardest slab/crack routes in the world.
Our Best Advice for Climbing Shoes
Go to shoe demos (at the gym or climbing festivals) and try on ALL THE SHOES. Including the high and low volume versions of the same model. Ideally, try climbing the same routes in each pair so you can get a sense of how they fit and perform differently. Note how they fit: are there pressure points or any gaps between your foot and the sides / top / bottom of the shoe? Pick what fits snugly and feels right to you.
If there’s a spot on a shoe that’s nagging you or any part of your foot slips in the shoe, keep trying on shoes. After trying on a ton of shoes, at one point you may wonder, “is this shoe perfect?!” because you can’t find anything wrong with the fit – at this point trust your intuition. And, for future reference, write all this info down on your phone: whether the shoe model fit or not, and what sizes are good/bad.
Want to See All The Climbing Shoes (over 400)?
At WeighMyRack, we list every climbing shoe and give you filters for volume, closure, material, last shape (downturn / asymmetry), and more. You can also filter by on sale items with discounts > 20%.
Other Interesting Climbing Shoe Articles
- How Much Downturn Do You Need?
- High Asymmetry vs Low Asymmetry : Which is Best?
- Volume & Gender : What’s the difference?
- How to Fit – Length and Toe Shape
- How Your Shoe Can Help You Climb Better
- Velcro vs Lace vs Slipper
- Why Are Climbing Shoes Expensive?
- How Climbing Shoes Are Made
- What are the Most Sustainable Shoes?
- Sensitivity vs Stiffness
- The Biggest and Smallest Shoes
- Leather vs Synthetic Climbing Shoes
- All the Vegan Climbing Shoes
- Lined vs Unlined Shoes: Does it Matter?
- How to Recycle, Resole, Upcycle, Sell, or Donate Your Climbing Shoes
- Where to Resole Your Climbing Shoes
- Who Makes Climbing Shoes?
Jeff Jaramillo
Jeff currently lives in the Midwest and spends most of his free time answering questions nobody asked. When not plugging gear on moderate warmups and calling it a day, he can be found whining about whipping on bolts in the gym or at the local pub waxing poetic about climbing saving humanity and the planet.
[…] is a ton of information available to help you understand the differences between shoe shapes (the amount of asymmetry and amount of downturn) to the materials used and what style of climbing you’re doing. But […]
[…] High Asymmetry vs Low Asymmetry : Which is Best? […]