Cliff Notes
Crag beta and other tips about being on the road.
A hiatus? Why no new content for a few months?
We’re currently delayed because WeighMyRack’s founder and main writer, Alison Dennis, was diagnosed with brain cancer in September, 2020. WeighMyRack will…
How to Become a Sponsored Climber or get an Expedition Sponsorship
Becoming a sponsored climber is super tough to pull off and each brand has different nuances of what they're looking for. One universal truth is that each brand is pitched…
Helpful Resources for a Native Land Acknowledgement
Whenever we (at WeighMyRack) use a specific placename we will also give a Native Land Acknowledgement. We feel it is important to be honest and open about the atrocities…
Great Places to Resole Your Rock Climbing Shoes (US, Canada)
When it comes to climbing shoes, the #1 best thing you can do for the environment and for your wallet is to repair or resole your shoes (instead of buying a new pair). Shoe repair…
3 Top Adventure Travel Insurances For Your Next Rock Climbing Trip
This guest post is by Jacob Bushmaker, an international climber, and author of the The Wandering Climber. The cover photo is climbing El Diente de Oro in La Mojarra, Colombia.…
The 9 Best Places to Resling Cams (Black Diamond, Metolius, DMM, Wild Country, Trango)
WeighMyRack does not resling cams or replace trigger wires, but we know a lot of great folks who do! The best place to resling cams Original Manufacturer (like Metolius, Totem,…
Climbing Trad, in Frankenjura?!?!
A story of bucking the norm and going for the impossible. Thanks to some small nuts, this tale comes from our favorite, best, and only British guest author Robbie Phillips. When…
How to Find Internet While Working From the Road
How do you find reliable internet when you live on the road? This is one of our most-asked questions when folks dive into the details of our lifestyle. This is definitely the…
Indoor and Outdoor Climbing – Are there rules? Why? Really?
When it comes to hard and fast rules in climbing, there aren’t actually too many of them. And in a way, that’s why we love it: The freedom to tackle a route or problem how we want…
Mobile Office Work Setup
We get a lot of questions regarding how we work while living on the road. Today, we're sharing our mobile work setup. For the past 2+ years we've been working from the road in our…
Exploring Arches NP in Moab, Utah
On our way to Mexico from Salt Lake City, we decided to stop at Arches National Park. It was conveniently on our route and the break allowed us to celebrate the 100 year…
What is Outdoor Retailer and Who Attends?
Before I went to Outdoor Retailer I thought this show (and all trade shows) were synonymous with consumers. I assumed Outdoor Retailer was a place where every brand and…
The Climbing Life in St. George, Utah
I've never heard anybody say "Dude, you should totally check out St.George." Surrounded by places like Red Rocks (where we just came from), Zion and Moab, it's hard for this small…
Red Rock Rendezvous
Las Vegas Red Rocks is a vortex that WeighMyRack keeps getting sucked into. It started on a long Thanksgiving weekend two years ago as an escape from the Seattle rain. Just 5…
The Low-Down on Climbing at City of Rocks, Idaho
City of Rocks and Castle Rocks Come to City of Rocks to get away from any kind of "city" feel. Quality climbing, trail running, and mountain biking are some of the attractions.…
Chasing the Weather in City of Rocks, ID
Our original plan was to chase the sun and make sure we picked working locations that were climbing-based. Our first adventure was to City of Rocks, in time for the Idaho Mountain…
Tips for those venturing to Lander, WY
What to expect on your climbing trip to Lander, WY Expect to find a great community of locals in Lander, whether you're climbing or in town, you'll hear lots of laughter and see…