Read on to find out all of your carabiner buying options! We list all the folks who sell certified rock climbing carabiners.

Brands Who Sell Climbing Carabiners

These are the brands that distribute in the US. You can see all these brands and their carabiners at

ABC – This brand is no longer being manufactured, but you can still find some stock for sale.

Black Diamond – The largest climbing brand in the country & still forging carabiners in the USA.

CAMP – Focused on lightweight excellence for alpine and mountaineering ascents.

ClimbTech – Headquartered in Texas they have light and affordable gear.

Climb X – One of the few brands bringing crazy anodized colors to the market – think neon!

Cypher – Since Cypher is fairly new you can still take advantage of their value-priced gear.

DMM – All of the 40+ carabiners’ impressive designs are forged in-house in north Wales.

Edelrid – Their hardware line-up includes the lightest carabiner in the world at 19 grams!

Edelweiss – The carabiners available in the US change depending on US market demands.

Grivel – Buy carabiners built in Italy with solar power – So hot!

Kong – They offer a TON of carabiners in Europe; North America still gets a healthy selection.

Mad Rock – Staying true to their vision of making affordable climbing gear.

Mammut – Finally a company that tells us what they see as each carabiner’s best use.

Metolius – They may not have many carabiner models, but they all have an intentional design.

Omega Pacific – Many of their ‘biners are totally made in the USA, an understated challenge.

Petzl – Petzl is the only brand to set the design restriction of only carrying keylock carabiners.

Rock Empire – A small selection of Rock Empire’s ‘biners have made their way to the States.

Rock Exotica – Think safety. These carabiners are big and burly.

Simond – All these carabiners are produced in Les Houches, at the base of Mont Blanc.

Singing Rock – A nice curated selection of ‘biners comes to the States.

SMC – Coming to you with classic designs all made in Washington State.

Sterling – Locking, locking, and more locking carabiners.

Stubai – Ever been curious about a 3D carabiner design? Then check out Stubai’s HMS 3D.

Trango – No fluff – every product fills a specific need in the quiver of the modern climber.

Wild Country – Last but not least, these guys are obsessed with functional and beautiful design.

More brands who sell rock climbing ‘biners

These brands do not show up on WeighMyRack under carabiners because they either don’t distribute their carabiners in the US, or their focus is on industry professional use, not recreational rock climbing.

Alpen Pass – Brazil

AustriAlpin – Austria

Climbing Technology – Italy

Fixe/Faders – Spain

Fusion – United States (California)

LACD (Lost Arrow Climbing Division)  – Germany

Ocun – Czech Republic

Salewa – Italy

Skylotec – Germany

Tendon – Czech Republic

Yoke – Taiwan

The difference between making carabiners and selling carabiners

You may notice we didn’t title this post “All the brands that make carabiners.”  That’s because many brands do not manufacture carabiners. Some manufacture carabiners in-house, in their own facilities. But many, many others outsource the fabrication.

Some companies make a portion of their carabiner line in-house but outsource more complex designs that require different tooling. Some complete all of the design work in-house but use external factories to produce the carabiners. Some brands even make all of the parts in-house, but have them assembled off-site. Others choose to buy in bulk as OEM, which is often the case when you see nearly-identical carabiners from multiple competing brands.

Whether it’s made in-house or off-site, the certification standards are all the same. CE and UIAA standards ensure high quality. As long as you’re buying certified rock climbing carabiners, your risk level does not change whether you buy in-house or outsourced carabiners. That said, we realize there are a LOT of different reasons why you would choose one brand’s carabiners over another. That’s why we created WeighMyRack, to help make the decision easier when there’s so many damn options.

Let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help make it easier to find the right gear, for you. And meanwhile, grab your nuts and get out there!

Alison Dennis

Alison Dennis

Alison (she/her) runs WeighMyRack from her 17' travel trailer. She is currently touring the US and would love if you contacted her to meet up to talk about climbing, climbing gear, or if you have any fun and/or ridiculous adventure in mind.

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